Client Satisfaction Survey

The Surrey Probate Practice has a reputation for providing a high-quality legal service with excellent client care. Therefore, we are committed to maintaining the highest level of service and improving it where possible.

Our clients’ opinions are important to us in order to help us continually improve the service we provide. We would be grateful if you could help us by taking a couple of minutes to fill out the client satisfaction form below as fully as possible.

*Questions marked with an asterisk require an answer.

About you

Overall Impression of the firm

5. How satisfied were you with the service you received from us:*
Above Expectation
Below Expectation

Other services

12. Our firm specialises in Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and Probate services. Would you like to receive further information about: *
I understand that my answers are confidential, and my feedback may be used for promotional purposes without disclosing my identity.