Price Information

We charge an hourly rate for the time spent on a matter. Normally costs range from £3,500 plus VAT to £7,500 plus VAT although more complex estates could exceed £8,000 plus VAT.

We will maintain clear communication channels with regard to costs throughout the course of the matter and aim to report to you on costs at least once a quarter.

Indicative cost for our Grant Only service:

  • for a fairly straightforward estate: £3,500 plus VAT to £7,500 plus VAT + Disbursements
  • for a more complex estate: from £8,000+ plus VAT + Disbursements


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties. We may handle the payment of disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. We may ask for payment on account. Typical disbursements will include:

  • Court application for probate, currently £300;
  • Copies of the probate certificate, currently £1.50 each;
  • Land Registry searches, currently £3 each;
  • Will search, currently £126;
  • Financial Assets and Liabilities search, from £234;
  • Cost of placing statutory advertisements;
  • Cost of valuations from third parties.
  • Cost of insurance from a third party.

Hourly rates

Our costs are based on hourly rates. Our fee ranges can be affected by the amount of work involved, issues we may become aware of and extra work required due to unforeseen circumstances. We would also look to discuss matters with you before looking to incur any further fees on top of those quoted.

The current hourly charge out rates for the relevant members of staff that may become involved, from now until the next review date (i.e. next March), are as follows:

Director: £250

Senior Solicitor: £230

Solicitor / Case Manager: £125

Consultant: £110

Paralegal / Probate Technician: £80

Estate Accountant: £75

Administrator / Trainee Probate Technician: £50 – £60

These charges are exclusive of VAT and VAT will be charged on top of fees quoted at the applicable rate.

We will endeavour to engage the time of lower fee earners where possible and provide you with a statement of account periodically, usually once a quarter.